Friday, September 12, 2014

Math is fun!

Today we worked on Math Rotations. We had three stations. We did "Mathletics". It's fun. We had paper station. We worked on Math to get ready for our test on Tuesday. We used Legos to do number patterns. The blank ones were hard. We had to figure out the missing number in the pattern. It was good. I liked it.

This week we also played math battleship. My partner, rattlesnake, won! We had to give clues to our partner. They had to guess our 3 digit number. It was hard because it was really high.

Math is really fun in Second Grade.
By: Cobra


  1. Well said Cobra! Math is fun. Numbers are everywhere: Five fingers, two feet, one nose! We are using math all the time, even though sometimes we don't notice it ;)

    Panther's mom

  2. Looks like a fun way to learn!
