Friday, September 19, 2014

Our trip to Gizdich Ranch!

We went to Gizdich Ranch with friends in our grade for a field trip. We went apple picking! and we picked a lot of apples. By: Lion

It was really fun and we got to pick apples and go in a giant fridge. By: Shark

First, We went to the water tower to learn about how they used to get water for the apples. By: cat

This is picture of Mr. Gizdich. He gave us our tour. He was very very nice. By: Saber Tooth

He taught us about Johnny Appleseed and how apples get to a store. He also let us go in a giant fridge. That was super cool and also super cold. He used a harmonica to get our attention so he could tell us stuff and warn us if there was a tractor or truck. By: Raccoon

Me and my partner, Rattlesnake, picked three really big apples. They were super big. By: Cobra

They washed all our apples and we got to eat some of them! They were good. By: Lion

We got to see how apple juice is made. They squeeze the juice out of an apple! By: Orca 

We had so much fun on our field trip. We played on the tractor and the toy cars. It was really fun. 
By: Saber tooth.

We had a great time and we loved going on this trip. 
By: Basset Hound


  1. Thank you for taking me on the field trip ;-) The weather was great, the apples were juicy and 2MC was awesome! Best field trip ever….
    Shark's mom

  2. Thank you for sharing your pictures with us. We are glad everyone had a good time :)
    Lion's family

  3. What a great field trip! I know Bassett Hound really enjoyed it :-)
