Friday, April 24, 2015

Heritage Reports

We just finished everyone's Heritage Reports. You can look at the map above to see all the places we learned about. For our Heritage Reports we had to choose a famous person from our country and learn about them. We had to present them to our classmates and to also share a special surprise like a food or a picture album from our country too. I did my report on Athena the God because I am Greek.  I also brought my dancing friends from Greek Dance and we put on a show for my classmates and others. Finally, I shared delicious Greek food with them. My favorite was the pita. I think they all like learning about Greece. 

These are some pictures of some of the other things my classmates shared. Everyone did a great job on their reports. They were all so cool and fun to learn about. The food was absolutely delicious. I loved learning so many new things about our World and Heritage. Maybe you should do this project too and learn a little yourself and your country. By: Cat

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