Friday, April 17, 2015

Famous Person Biography Book Report

We did Book Reports on Famous people in History. We had to read a book at home and then we had to write facts down about that person that we learned and then create a poster. By: Bassett Hound

The special thing about the posters was we had to make a giant hole in them and we put our heads through them, so we could look like the person. By: Tiger

We also got to play something called gallery. Some people got to be the art and some people were art experts. The art experts looked at the picture and pretended their was a button and the art would come  alive and say a fact about themselves and who they are. By: Jaguar

We had to write ten facts about famous person that we did and we had to make our posters look real. I did Amelia Earhart. I had so much fun doing it. By: Turtle

We made our poster and we put our head through them and after we did a game and people pushed our buttons and we said our names and a fact about ourselves and then we froze like art again. By Dog

We did Biography reports about some people. For mine I did Harry Houdini. I loved working on the biography report. We did not draw holes instead we cut a hole and put our own face through it. By: Black Widow

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