Thursday, March 19, 2015


This week we did the Aurasma app for a leprechaun project for St. Patrick's day. We made leprechaun stories. We drew a picture of our story and a cover for our story. Then we video taped ourselves telling the story. The app was so cool because when scanned the cover of our story, the video we made came to life and you could hear our story when looking at our picture. We did a story about a leprechaun and a dragon. The leprechaun was looking for gold and the dragon let him have some from his cave. They became best friends and it was great story. 

After we all made our stories, we had a big gallery walk and walked around using the iPads to listen to everyone's stories. It was awesome. I can't wait to use the app again to make a new story!! By: Lion

1 comment:

  1. Lion, awesome description of your process of creating your stories and bringing them to life using the Aurasma App!
