Friday, February 27, 2015

Project Cornerstone

This week in Project Cornerstone, we read about Ruby Bridges. She was very famous and she was alive when they were treating colored people unfairly. She went to a white school and had a lot of problems because people were very mean to her. She helped us see how our country needed to become better. She is still alive today.

To help us understand how she felt, we got little warm fuzzies. People with short sleeves got warm fuzzies first and the people who wore long sleeves didn't get any. We didn't think it was fair and we learned that was how Ruby Bridges and people with darker skin felt when they couldn't go to the same school as white children.

Finally, we made people and we made clothes with paper and eye stickers. We learned that we're a rainbow of skin colors but everybody is special! We loved learning about it!
By: Jaguar

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