Thursday, November 20, 2014

Me on a Map

We read the book, "Me on a Map." It was all about someone showing a map of their their room, their town, their state, their country, and their world. They also talked about the continents. After we read it, we figured out where we were in the world. We then wrote it all in a flip book and at the end of our hard work, we took a picture of ourselves. We cut it out and then we cut out a picture of the world. We colored the world picture. We colored the oceans blue and the land green. Then we made it look like we were holding the earth up. It was really awesome to learn! I love knowing where I live in the world. I loved doing our "Me on the Map" project! By: Shark

Ten Commandment Posters

This week in class we learned about the Ten Commandments. God gave these to us. They are important because they help us be good people. We got into groups and we we had to draw a picture of what it looked like to follow one of the commandments. One group had "Keep Holy the Sabbath." We drew a picture of going to church. We then had to share our commandment in front of the whole class. It was fun learning about the ten commandments. By: Zebra

Monday, November 17, 2014


Miss Crowley went on a trip to visit her sister. Mrs. Krewson, our principal, was subbing for us! She read us a story and we talked about the pilgrims in the story. Then we made pilgrims! We made pilgrims either a a boy or a girl. We made them with paper and paper plates. It wasn't hard to make them because there were two examples of a boy and a girl on the board. We are going to hang some of them in the window and some on the cabinets in the classroom. They are going to remind us about Mrs. Krewson subbing our class and also about Thanksgiving. By: Arctic Fox

Geography Game

Last week we were learning about the prime meridian and the equator. They are imaginary lines that split the earth in half. The prime meridian splits the earth into east and west and the equator splits the earth into north and south.

We practiced these by playing a game. Miss Crowley would yell "Equator" and we would lay down on the ground. Then she would yell, "Prime Meridian" and we would stand up straight like a pencil. She could yell them anytime like right now or during math or when we were at PE or even in line after recess or lunch.

We had lots and lots and lots and lots of fun playing the game! By: Rattlesnake

Friday, November 7, 2014

Mr. Turkey loves subtraction

This week we made subtraction turkey. They were so much fun to make. I love subtraction. There was a subtraction problem on each feather. Some of them needed us to borrow, but others didn't. We had to solve the problems and put the turkey together. We also got to use our iPad to make a problem. We had to draw what it meant to borrow. It was learning about how to do subtraction.
By: Bassett Hound


In Second grade we read lots of books and get stickers. We have to go on the iPads and take an AR quiz. If we get 70% or more, we pass. After three books, Miss Crowley puts a sticker on our shamrock. We can get prizes, if we read lots of books. We also get to change our shamrock color if we read a lot of books. Some of people have a lot of stickers already! By: Scorpion

Saint Project

The Saint project was really fun. We did a lot of work. We are our doing a Saint's play. Each person is a Saint in the play. So this week we learned about our Saints and drew a picture of them. We learned how to do "See not Think Drawings." This means you look at your picture and try to draw the picture you see exactly instead of just thinking and drawing what you want.  Then we had to use the Writing Process to write about our Saint. We had to find out their information. We learned how they died and what patron Saint they are. We also learned why they are a Saint and their feast day. Then we put them on the wall. Everyone did a great job! By: Lion